Thursday, July 24, 2008

Food, Gas, Clothes, It's Summer Vacation!

Yes, during all this I still needed to eat, take care of the kids, pay bills and try to have a little fun since it was summer vacation after all. I also did quite a bit of shopping at GoodWill and the nice thing is they offer on-line shopping so my depressed self never had to leave the house. My fear was I was going to be seen by some of my ex-coworkers and have to strike up a conversation about work and why I was fired, or how good things are at work! Wow that would stink.

So, we needed to find fun stuff to do that wouldn't cost anything - well gas and that's enough to break the bank! Check out my blog on our adventures even if you're not from Maine, it may give you some ideas to help keep the kids busy and not break your budget. I just started the blog, so stay tuned.

One of the nice things that has come out of this is the use of one vehicle. We have saved money on gas and wear and tear on the vehicles. I guess I have to look for every silver lining I can! :)

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